About Me
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science at the University of Hong Kong. I received my PhD in Biostatistics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2023, co-advised by Drs. Danyu Lin and Donglin Zeng. Before that, I graduated with a BS in Statistics from the University of Science & Technology of China in 2018.
My CV here
Research Interests
My primary research interests lie in survival analysis and semiparametric inference. Recent work includes semiparametric regression analysis of interval-censored multi-state data, evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine/treatment effectiveness, joint modeling of multi-state and longitudinal data, and transfer learning for survival analysis.
In addition, I am broadly interested in statistical applications to Alzheimerโs disease, breast cancer, mental disorders, and oral diseases.
To be announced.
- [12/2024] Our paper on semiparametric analysis of multi-state data under mixed censoring schemes has been accepted by JASA.
- [06/2024] I am grateful to have received the RGC-ECS grant.
- [04/2024] I am honored to have received the Barry H. Margolin dissertation award.
- [10/2023] Our paper on semiparametric inference with interval-censored multi-state data has been accepted by Biometrika.
- [08/2023] I graduated from UNC and started my appointment at HKU.